Product Warranty Information (Figure_25)
Nasiff Associates: Two-Year Limited Warranty |
Nasiff Associates In-transit damage is not covered by the warranty. We suggest that you always insure shipments. You can help assure effective servicing of your system by following these guidelines: 1. Follow the instructions in this manual to make certain the malfunction is in your CARDIOCARD system and not the result of an interface error or a malfunction in your computer or software. If possible, identify the defective area or function. 2. If you determine that repair is required, please include the following items when you return your systems for service: a. A description of the exact configuration at the time of the malfunction, including interface cable, computer and peripherals, and software (programs) in use. b. A brief description of symptoms for service personnel. c. Hard copy produced on a printer that might help illustrate the problem area. d. The serial numbers for the components in your CardioCard system. e. If purchased through a Nasiff Associates dealer, a copy of the sales slip or other proof of purchase to establish the warranty coverage period. 3. Include your name, address, and a phone number where you may be reached during the day. 4. Do not include any operating accessories with the system, unless the problem relates to an accessory. Do include your CARDIOCARD, BOX12 patient connector, ISOTR1 isolation transformer, any other equipment that is part of your CardioCard system (Holter recorders, playback hardware, NIBP modules, etc) and original CardioCard software disks. Note: valid RMA Number is REQUIRED for ACCECPTANCE of SHIPMENT COSTS Description Hourly Rate Initial Training telephone customer training as part of the initial software purchase.........................................$100 per hour(minimum of 4 hour blocks) Follow-up Training On-site training requested any time after the purchase of the software..............................$125 per hour Technical Support In-house phone support or on-site support for Nasiff software, third party software, hardware, training via phone, forms modification, data manipulation/repair or EMC support........................................$110 per hour Consulting On-site, in-house or telephone consultation requested with senior level personnel (5 plus years experience)..........................................................................$150 per hour Programming Includes software modification for new features, custom programming or database repair that requires a programmer.........................................$150 per hour Production Includes in-house preparation of equipment prior to on-site installation.....................................$150 per hour |
Network Engineering. Includes on-site or in-house and support of network operating systems.............................$150 per installation hour Travel Includes time necessary to travel to and from customer site. If travel includes multiple customer sites then travel time is equally distributed among customers..................$30 per hour Note: minimum charge for any provided service is ¼ hour. Cabling is not provided Unless disputed in writing, customers with support payments 30 days or more past due will have their technical support temporarily suspended pending payment of their past-due balance. Customers without a valid Service Agreement will be provided with assistance at Nasiff's discretion and/or upon the reinstatement of a valid Service Agreement. If your support coverage has lapsed, please contact our Finance and Administration Department for additional information regarding the terms and conditions for reinstating a Service Agreement |