Special Features (Figure_23)
Nasiff Associates: Special File Export Files
When File Export is selected the following files are created from the retrieved Resting ECG run
(note that the “ascii”
root filename is user defined during export):
ascii.txt - 500hz file exported from File Export selection. outputs data (4 chars plus sign per sample) For each lead
tab delimited in order:
ascii.hed - ascii tab delimited file of patient demographics. Order of fields is:
name //Patient Name
ssn //Social Security Number
street //Street Address
csz //City State Zip
phone //Phone Number
dob //Date of Birth
ashw //Age, Sex, Height, Weight
doc //Doctor
orb //Office Room Bed
empl //Employer
insur //Insurance Codes
med //Medications
notes //Notes
notesp //Notes Protocol
notesph //Notes Phase
bp //Blood Pressure
autodiag //Auto Diagnostics
voicedict //Voice Dictation
ascii.rr – File Export list of R-R times in msec (limits allowed are entered by user)
ascii.rrv – File Export of R-R average times for user defined intervals (1-1000sec)
ascii.rrs – File Export of R-R limit status. Gives # beats, # outside limits, etc
ascii.hrv – File Export of HR average bpms for user defined intervals (1-1000sec)
ascii.evt - File Export list of times of events being hit. (during real-time, pressing F7 causes a log of this
time to be saved). Times in ascii.evt are in 2msec sample number (i.e. 500hz sample
ascii.ibp - 500hz file exported from File Export selection. Outputs data for ibp/cnibp
tab delimited. Goes through
entire file until done. Puts out 4 chars plus sign per sample. from tempio.t
ascii.rsp - 500hz file exported from File Export selection. Outputs data for
respiration tab delimited. Goes through entire file until done. Puts out 4 chars plus sign per sample. from tempio.e.
ascii.sp - ascii tab delimited file of spo2 values for every 10 sec from tempio.s.
Real time pointer file - ptrf
During the start up of the program a file called ptrf is produced in the running directory (usually c:\cardwin). It has the following 32-bit pointers to the data in the device driver that assist programs that may want
access to the real-time sampled data:
int * data //int ptr to where vxd int (the driver) is loading ecg data //tables
uint * table[0] //lead I data. 4msec apart. 3180 unsigned ints. data is
//13-bit to represent +/- 5mV FS rti
uint * table[1] //lead II data
uint * nbpil //uint ptr to where vxd is loading bp pulse data
uint * nbpbuf //bp pulses. 4msec apart. loads locations 25-250. Data //is 13-bit as in ECG
lead data in table[]
uint * spo2pp //ptr to where vxd is loading spo2 pulse data
uint * spo2pleth //sio data. 4msec apart. loads locations 0-99. Data is //8 bit and relative in intensity
For example, the pointer data is the first 4 bytes of the ptrf file. The table[0] pointer is the next 4 bytes.
The table[1] pointer is the next 4 bytes. And so on. Note that the first pointer called data gives the
position in table[0] and table[1] where the driver is loading the ECG data. Note that the spo2pleth buffer
is loaded with a different pointer (spo2pp)
and the spo2pleth buffer is only 100 points long and
only 8 bits (1 byte per point) While the table[] ECG data is 3180
points long and 13 bits (2 bytes per point)
Calling the CardioCard from external programs
File I/O:
A user program can load a file called ccio to have the CardioCard do just acquisition, retrieve, use tempios,
deleting, etc
when calling cardwin.exe (all ascii):
"company code"ab"patient last,first mi name"cccccccccmmddyyyyr
where company code (get from factory)
a is either a,r,t, or d where a is acquisition, r is retrieve,
t is tempio retrieve, and d is delete selected file
b is the database drive letter
ccccccccc is the 9 digit patient number (ssn)
mm is month
dd is day
yyyy is year
r is run number (starts with 0 for each patient each day)
on exit from cardwin.exe, ccio contains:
char opcode //0=no store. 1=data saved
char ecgf //1=ecg taken
short heartr //heart rate bpm
short sysp //systolic bp mmHg
short meanp //mean bp
short diasp //diastolic bp |
short spo2 //spo2 percent
short pulser //pulse rate ppm
short temp //temperature * 10 degrees F. (e.g. for 98.6,
this would be 986)
Message API
When both the CardioCard and another program are running at the same time, the other program can
the CardioCard to perform many of its functions. A very fast, easy to use, full featured API
has been defined that
performs this task.
Note: the CardioCard program can be run in any standard
Windows mode (e.g. normal, hidden, minimized, etc)
Contact Nasiff Associates at 315.676.2346 for a copy of this API document